Now that the holiday season is in full swing, everyone has a party to attend. Friends are getting together for drinks, the office holiday party is on Saturday night, and everyone gathers for dinner with the out of town relatives. You can stay on top of your goals straight through the New Year, as long as you have a plan. Follow these simple tips to survive all your holiday parties this season.
1. Eat Before You Go
Have a healthy snack or meal before you go to the party. This will help you avoid binging. If you’re full, you’ll be less likely to pick at snacks or overindulge at dinner.
2. Plate Your Food
When choosing appetizers, have a plate in hand and set a limit. If you can see what is on your plate, you know how much you’ve had. By sticking to one plate, you can exercise portion control. This helps prevent mindless munching.
3. Stay an Arm’s Length Away
If you’re mingling with friends and relatives, have your conversation away from the snacks. Mindless eating happens when you’re lost in conversation, but the chip bowl is right in front of you.
4. Don’t Drink Your Calories
For some people, holiday parties are accompanied by festive drinks. Drinks mixed with soda add empty calories and are high in sugar. Many beers have 100 or more calories per 12 oz. Be aware of how much wine you pour, it’s easy to double your portion in a wine glass. Stay hydrated and save some calories by having a glass of water in between drinks.
5. Keep Your Routine
Just because you have a party to attend Saturday night, doesn’t mean you should skip the gym in the morning (we’re open 8am-2pm). If you’re anticipating a big, holiday dinner, make sure you still have a healthy breakfast and lunch- you don’t want to be fasting all afternoon and starving by dinner time.
6. Dinner > Dessert
When there is a lot to choose from, start by filling half of your plate with vegetables or fruit. Next, pick your protein: chicken, fish, turkey, etc. When dessert rolls around, choose just one delectable treat for yourself; it is the holiday season after all!
By Louise Mills-Strasser