Joint replacement surgery is a significant event in a person’s life. Many individuals fear not only the surgery itself, but the lengthy rehabilitation process that follows. Physical therapy is always the first step in your rehab journey but it is often the choices you make post rehab that dictate your long term success.
Every week we find patients are being cut off by insurance companies earlier than previous years. This is because insurance companies are cracking down on the authorized number of therapy sessions to limit their reimbursement costs. Current regulations are allowing you to return to what they consider functional, but not necessarily fit.
A long term strengthening program will play an integral part in maintaining the function you have gained in physical therapy while continuing to progress towards a life without limitations. Working with a qualified exercise professional will allow you to develop a safe, appropriate program that is both efficient and effective. A strength training program that is properly developed will help give your new joint a solid infrastructure and full range of motion, reducing the stress on the joint and decreasing the risk of injury.
Beginning a fitness program is also an opportunity to incorporate a full body approach to fitness and improve your overall health. Our programs at Peak Performance are all supervised by degreed exercise physiologists and tailored to fit your needs. We work closely with all of our physical therapists to ensure that you have a smooth transition from physical therapy to a fitness program. We also have a variety of membership options including short term, sport specific, gait & balance, and weight loss programs. We are happy to discuss which option best fit your needs- just give us a call today!