4. Schedule your workouts in advance. During the holidays, our erratic schedules often interrupt our exercise regime. Each Sunday, plan out what workouts you will be doing and on what day. Make an appointment with your exercise physiologist, or schedule a gym date with a friend to remind you that someone else is counting on you and you must show up.
5. Use smaller plates. Many families switch up their dining ware to large and beautiful plates during the holidays. This encourages us to blindly fill them up and forget about practicing portion control. Instead, opt for the smaller plates in order to make smarter choices and remember to fill half the plate up with vegetables.
6. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate. During the warmer months it is much easier to remind ourselves to drink adequate water. Now that the colder months are here and the hustle and bustle of the holidays is among us, water consumption typically goes down. While the amount of water required is specific to each person, a general recommendation is 8-10 cups a day. This time of year is perfect for sampling different warm herbal teas to include in your daily consumption.