The road to success is paved with many stones; they may be labeled as: right place- right time, effort, discipline and motivation. Motivation and discipline often get lumped together as the same thing; however, they are very different from one another.
Motivation is your fuel on the road. Motivation is what helps you get going; it’s the fire in the beginning, the light at the end, and the helping hand along the way. Motivation attributes to the start of a journey and serves as a break from the day to day grind; it can come in the form of a number on a scale, a bigger paycheck, or a smile from someone you’ve helped.
Call it guts, grit, effort, fortitude or whatever you want- just don’t call it lazy. Discipline is the metaphorical meat and potatoes of success. Discipline comes into play when you wake up at 5:00 AM to make the train; it’s staying late at work to finish up that big project; it shows up at midnight when those cookies in the kitchen are calling your name; and it’ll be with you when you lose that extra pound, get that promotion or beat that mile time. Simply put, discipline is the ability to stick to the program, put in the work, and travel the long road to success.
The successful person uses both motivation and discipline to their advantage. Motivation is easy to find- we want our clients to set small goals throughout the week or month and set small rewards accordingly. Often a new pair of sneakers or some well fitting jeans after a month of weight loss usually does the trick! Find joy in going the extra mile to help someone out or put on your favorite song while heading to work or the gym. Discipline is tougher to hold on to; there are no tricks to discipline and it takes practice. When temptation rears its ugly head, remember why you started, how far you’ve come, and how far you can go.
Matt Rhodes, M.S., C-EP