If there is one thing you can almost guarantee during the holidays, it’s that you’re going to find yourself busier than normal. At one point in time you might even say to yourself “there aren’t enough hours in the day.” Stressful in itself, allotting time to get to and from the gym, as well as, completing the workout might seem impossible, so here is a perfect way to burn a large chunk of calories from your home in just 25 minutes.
You may have heard the term HIIT before and that’s exactly what you are going to be doing, High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is one of the best, most proven ways to burn calories and keep your metabolism high for the coming hours. All you need is your body, some room in the house and a timer. The science behind HIIT is completing intense exercises back to back, keeping your heart rate elevated followed by minimal rest and repeat. Here’s a great workout that will beat you up in a fraction of the time:
Group 1 (Exercises are preformed back to back)
Jumping Jacks: 30 Air Squats: 20 Drop to floor, Crunches: 20
*Rest 30 seconds and then start over! Do this 4 times!*
*Rest 1 minute and move to group 2!*
Group 2 (Exercises are preformed back to back)
High Knees/Jog in Place: 30sec à Drop to floor, Mountain Climbers: 20sec à Pushups or Pushups on Knees: 8 to 10
*Rest 45 seconds and then start over! Do this 4 times!*
Congratulations! You’re now a sweaty mess and burned more calories than you ever thought you could at home. Remember, modification is key so that you can complete the exercises. Do as many as you can and listen to your body. Have fun and earn those holiday snacks!
By Tyler Palmquist