March Madness is here and spring is right around the corner! Baseball has started Spring Training and the weather is starting to get nicer as the days get longer. For all of the avid basketball fans and recreational players, it’s exciting to watch the college basketball season come to a close. Many of us don’t do as much physical activities in the winter as we do when the weather starts to get warmer. We all can reminisce on the “good old days” when we were able to just go for a run or play a sport without warming up. However, the more time you’ve spent away from an activity should mean more time that you spend on a quality warm up and cool down. This is important to help prevent injuries and ensure you’re feeling great for the next days.
Taking 5-10 minutes to go through some light stretching and dynamic movements is important for your well-being. Here’s an example of a simple warm up you can do before most physical activities:
1) Light Jogging ~3-5 minutes
2) Walking Quad stretch (kick your heels up to your butt while stepping forward)
3) Frankenstein’s (lightly kicking leg straight in front while walking forward)
4) Lunge with Reach (step forward with one leg then bend both knees to 90 degrees and lift arms to the sky)
5) Side Lunges (with toes facing forward, step sideways bending one leg while keeping the other straight then step to the other side)
There are many different warm ups and ways to make it more for your activity. Your Exercise Physiologist can develop a specific program for you. Remember the goal of a warm up is to get your body ready for the activities it will soon be doing. Increasing your heart rate and increasing blood flow to skeletal muscles will decrease your chance for injuries during sports. Most importantly, have fun out there and be safe!
Corynne Pereira